Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Past consultations
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Past consultations

Where there are consultations which have closed, they will be shown below along with the individual submissions that were received and considered.

Where there are consultations which are open for input, they will be shown under Current Consultations.

Public consultation - Proposed principles to strengthen the involvement of consumers in accreditation

Opened: 9 February 2024
Closed: 18 April 2024

In February 2024, the Accreditation Committee (the committee) launched a public consultation on its draft proposed principles to strengthen the involvement of consumers in accreditation.

High levels of diverse consumer involvement in the design and delivery of healthcare can improve patient safety and healthcare outcomes. In accreditation, meaningful consumer involvement ensures that accreditation meets the needs of the community.

Background information

The consultation included an overview of the proposed principles and questions to help frame feedback received.

Participants were asked to view the Proposed principles to strengthen the involvement of consumers in accreditation consultation paper (83.5 KB,PDF), word version (141 KB,DOCX).

Responses could be provided on the Proposed principles to strengthen the involvement of consumers in accreditation via the response template or word version document.

Have your say

Feedback was welcomed from organisations, registered health practitioners and the public.

Submissions were provided via the template emailed to [email protected].

About the Accreditation Committee

The committee was established in 2021, in line with Ministerial Council Policy Direction 2020-1 – Independent Accreditation Committee. The committee gives independent and expert advice on accreditation reform and other National Scheme accreditation matters to National Scheme entities (National Boards, accreditation authorities and Ahpra).

For information on accreditation in the National Scheme see the Ahpra website.

Publication of submissions

The committee publish submissions at their discretion.

The committee generally publish consultation submissions on their websites to encourage discussion and inform the community and stakeholders. We will not place on our website, or make available to the public, submissions that contain offensive or defamatory comments or which are outside the scope of the consultation. Before publication, we may remove personally identifying information from submissions, including contact details.

The committee accept submissions made in confidence. These submissions will not be published on the website or elsewhere. Submissions may be confidential because they include personal experiences or other sensitive information. A request for access to a confidential submission will be determined in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth), which has provisions designed to protect personal information and information given in confidence.

Please let us know if you do not want us to publish your submission or want us to treat all or part of it as confidential.

Published submissions will include the names of the individuals and/or the organisations that made them, unless confidentiality is expressly requested.

Public consultation on the Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Statement of Intent

Released: 13 June 2023
Closed: COB 8 August 2023

In June 2023, the Accreditation Committee launched a public consultation on the Interprofessional Collaborative Practice statement of intent.

Achieving interprofessional collaborative practice is fundamental to effective team-based, coordinated care for patients and healthcare consumers. The intent of the statement is to express a joint commitment by the signatories to achieve the shared goals and deliver on the vision.

The statement will further embed interprofessional collaborative practice across the health system, in education, training, clinical governance and practice, subject to the signatories in the final version. In the future, this could involve developing a National Scheme strategy on interprofessional collaborative practice.

The Accreditation Committee invited stakeholders to give feedback on the Interprofessional Collaborative Practice statement of intent. A consultation paper was published including information about the consultation process along with the proposed draft Interprofessional Collaborative Practice statement of intent.

What we heard

Read our consultation report to learn more about what we heard through the consultation on the Interprofessional Collaborative Practice statement of intent and our next steps.

Public consultation report (31.0 KB, PDF), Word version (145 KB, DOCX)


The consultation received 26 submissions. Some stakeholders requested that their submission remain confidential. Some submissions have been published with the person’s name withheld or removed. We have redacted contact details and potentially defamatory, sensitive or identifying comments from published submissions.

If you have a question or concern about how we have approached publishing your submission, please contact us at [email protected].

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the submissions are those of the individuals or organisations who submitted them. Their publication does not imply any acceptance of, or agreement with, these views by the Accreditation Committee, Ahpra or the National Boards.

Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education Network (117 KB, PDF)

Australian Dental Association (143 KB, PDF)

Australian College of Nurse Practitioners (132 KB, PDF)

Australasian College of Paramedicine (1019 KB, PDF)

Australian College of Nursing (364 KB, PDF)

Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists Association (71.6 KB, PDF)

Australian Physiotherapy Council (173 KB, PDF)

Australian Psychological Society (166 KB, PDF)

Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (173 KB, PDF)

Health Professions Accreditation Collaborative Forum (274 KB, PDF)

Monash University (70.1 KB, PDF)

Occupational Therapy Australia (177 KB, PDF)

Pharmaceutical Defence Limited (75.3 KB, PDF)

Rare Voices Australia (84.8 KB, PDF)

Safer Care Victoria (80.5 KB, PDF)

School of Optometry and Vision Science UNSW (206 KB, PDF)

SA Dental (74.0 KB, PDF)

SA Health (72.4 KB, PDF)

Universities Australia (82.5 KB, PDF)

University of Western Australia (74.9 KB, PDF)

Public consultation on the glossary of accreditation terms 

In April 2023, the Accreditation Committee launched a public consultation on its proposed initial glossary of accreditation terms.

The proposed initial glossary is designed to create a shared language and understanding of the Committee’s advice across different professions, National Scheme entities, and external stakeholders. This first version of the proposed initial glossary focuses on providing an initial tranche of terms across the areas of work in the Committee’s initial work plan.

The Accreditation Committee invited stakeholders to give feedback on the proposed initial glossary. A consultation paper was published including information about the consultation process along with the proposed initial glossary of accreditation terms.

What we heard

Read our consultation report to learn more about what we heard through the consultation on the proposed initial glossary of accreditation terms and our next steps.

Public Consultation Report PDF(51.1 KB)Word version (146 KB,DOCX)


The consultation received 22 submissions. Some stakeholders requested that their submission remain confidential. Some submissions have been published with the person’s name withheld or removed. We have redacted contact details and potentially defamatory, sensitive or identifying comments from published submissions.

If you have a question or concern about how we have approached publishing your submission, please contact us at [email protected].

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the submissions are those of the individuals or organisations who submitted them. Their publication does not imply any acceptance of, or agreement with, these views by the Accreditation Committee, Ahpra or the National Boards.

Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists' Association (389 KB,PDF)

Australian College of Nurse Practitioners (380 KB,PDF)

Australian Dental Association (449 KB,PDF)

Australian Physiotherapy Council (370 KB,PDF)

Australian Psychological Society (483 KB,PDF)

Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (193 KB,PDF)

Avant Mutual (509 KB,PDF)

Dental Hygienists Association of Australia (138 KB,PDF)  

Occupational Therapy Council (192 KB,PDF)

Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board New Zealand (676 KB,PDF)

Universities Australia (262 KB,PDF)

Page reviewed 1/05/2024