Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Program accreditation and approval
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Program accreditation and approval

The National Law gives Accreditation Authorities and National Boards separate but related roles and responsibilities for accreditation and approval of programs respectively.

Program accreditation under the National Law is a key quality and risk management mechanism undertaken by Accreditation Authorities and includes assessing whether an educational program of study and the education provider that provides the program meet the approved accreditation standards and deciding whether or not to accredit the program.

The Accreditation Authority’s assessment and subsequent accreditation decision assures the National Board that accredited programs are producing graduates who have the knowledge skills and professional attributes necessary to practise the profession in Australia:

When a program of study has been accredited, a National Board considers whether it will approve, or refuse to approve the accredited program of study. Graduates of approved programs are automatically qualified for registration. Accreditation Authorities and National Boards play a role in program accreditation and approval as indicated below.

A searchable list of approved programs of study is available on this website.

Program accreditation and approval

Page reviewed 10/08/2021