Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Data Strategy
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Data Strategy

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Ahpra’s Data strategy 2023–2028

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

Statements of intent

Our community, including the public and practitioners, have trust and confidence in the data we hold
We collect, use and disclose data to protect the public and enable a sustainable health workforce
Our approach to collecting and using data considers cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
We respect and protect the privacy of an individual’s data
We are transparent about our collection, use and disclosure of data
Data is fit for purpose, rigorously protected and secure
Regulatory decisions are made by humans, supported by data

Domains and objectives

Regulatory efficiency and effectiveness

  • Our technology and processes enable access to accurate, timely and complete data to support our work.
  • Data about a practitioner is integrated and standardised to better inform our regulatory intelligence and decision-making.
  • Data about our functions/activities is integrated and standardised to enable efficiency, workload management and prioritisation.
  • The end-to-end lifecycle of data is automated to increase efficiency, reliability and accuracy.

Trust and confidence

  • Data is suitably governed in accordance with best practices, rigorously protected and ethically used.
  • Data used for decision-making or shared with external parties is fit for purpose, helping ensure appropriate decisions are made that support trust and confidence in the regulator.
  • Protection of an individual’s data and privacy is embedded in the design of our data systems and processes.
  • We are transparent about how the data we collect will be used and provide opportunities for individuals to review the information held about them.

Insight generation

  • We use best practice, innovative and advanced analytical methods to inform and improve the work we do.
  • We use data to increase the effectiveness of our risk assessments.
  • We use data and evidence-based decision-making to increase consistency and appropriateness of decisions.
  • We analyse and access relevant data sets and share data to support workforce planning for a sustainable health workforce.

Shared data value

  • We obtain data from, and exchange data with, relevant organisations to better inform our work and understand risks and behaviours.
  • Where appropriate and lawful, we provide data to others who can demonstrate public value, while protecting practitioner privacy.
  • The public and practitioners can access (as appropriate) and easily engage with the data we hold to support informed decision-making and safe practice.
  • We increase public and employer awareness of the public register and our publicly available data.
  • Data provision and services are subject to full cost recovery wherever appropriate to ensure sustainability of data exchange.

Supporting information

The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the National Law), requires Ahpra to collect, use and share data as part of our work to protect the public and facilitate access to a sustainable health workforce.

We have unique access to data which has the potential to inform health workforce policy and planning. We also want the data we hold to be used to improve public safety, including cultural safety and the elimination of racism for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Ahpra’s Data strategy 2023–2028 sets the strategic directions for the collection, use and disclosure of the data we hold and for future strategic data projects in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme).

Our Privacy Policy explains how we lawfully collect, use, store and disclose personal and health information to carry out our work under the National Law. We act consistently with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the Australian Privacy Principles found in that Act.

The data strategy is aligned to the objectives and guiding principles of the National Law which, along with the Privacy Act, strictly limit the collection and use of the data we collect for the purposes of the National Scheme. Information about how we manage requests for our data is on the Data access and research page.

Our new data strategy was developed after an extensive consultation with the public, practitioners and various stakeholders, including employers and health system partners, across 2022–2023. Read our consultation report available under Past consultations to learn about what we heard from the 109 submissions we received.

The term ‘advanced analytics’ is an umbrella term that encompasses all known, emerging and future technology, resources or tools that use statistics and data science beyond traditional business intelligence methods to predict patterns and estimate the likelihood of future events. The term ‘advanced analytics’ covers all advanced technologies such as artificial/augmented intelligence, assistive technology, autonomous or semi-autonomous examination of data, sentiment analysis, predictive analytics, machine learning technology and others that have not yet been developed or created.

Cultural safety is determined by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities.

Culturally safe practice is the ongoing critical reflection of health practitioner knowledge, skills, attitudes, practising behaviours and power differentials in delivering safe, accessible and responsive healthcare free of racism.

Source: The National Scheme’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Cultural Safety Strategy 2020-2025

Page reviewed 20/07/2023