Accreditation standard, for a health profession, means a standard used to assess whether a program of study, and the education provider that provides the program of study, provide persons who complete the program with the knowledge, skills and professional attributes to practise the profession in Australia. Accreditation Authorities also use accreditation standards for monitoring accredited programs of study to ensure the program and its education provider continue to meet the standards.
Ahpra’s Procedures for the development of accreditation standards (the Procedures) were developed with input from key stakeholders, including; the Health Professions Accreditation Collaborative Forum (the Forum), health care consumer groups, the education sector, and government and other stakeholders. The Procedures ensure that the National Scheme maintains good regulatory practice when Accreditation Authorities are developing new or amended accreditation standards.
The Procedures inform Accreditation Authorities, National Boards, and Ahpra about matters that need to be considered when submitting proposed new or amended accreditation standards to the National Board for approval.
The Accreditation Authorities develop accreditation standards for their specific profession. The relevant profession’s National Board is responsible for approval of accreditation standards developed by their Accreditation Authority. The key steps are outlined below.