Has a concern been raised about you?

If you are a registered health practitioner, and a concern has been raised about your health, conduct or performance, we have information to help you understand what to expect, including:

  • the role of National Boards and Ahpra in managing concerns
  • the notifications process, and
  • possible outcomes.

We recognise that having a concern raised about you can be stressful. Remember to take care of yourself and utilise any support services you need to as well as talking  to your friends, family or colleagues.

We encourage you to use the independent practitioner support services and other support services that are available.

Please explore the information relating to notifications and our process below.


What to expect

Find information to help you understand what to expect if you're the subject of a concern.


Practitioner support services

Practitioner feedback has made clear that having a concern raised about you can be very stressful.

Practitioners have also emphasised the value of having support through the process. We have published a list of possible support services.


What is it like to receive a notification?

Hear directly from health practitioners who have been through the notifications process.


Improving the experience

We're taking steps to understand the stress practitioners experience when they're the subject of a notification.


Appealing a decision

There are limits on which decisions can be appealed. Find out if there's any action you can take.