Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Accreditation
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Overview of accreditation

Accreditation is a key part of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme.

Transparency and the effective operation of the National Scheme require sound relationships between Accreditation Authorities, National Boards and Ahpra. These relationships must enable transfer of information necessary for the National Boards and Accreditation Authorities to undertake accreditation functions and make decisions expediently and autonomously.

When exercising their functions, National Boards, Accreditation Authorities and Ahpra must have regard to the objectives and guiding principles of the National Law.

The National Law gives separate but related accreditation roles to Accreditation Authorities and National Boards by clearly specifying distinct decision-making roles in accreditation functions, as indicated below.

Information about the National Scheme can be found on the what we do page.

Accreditation Authority roles   National Board roles
Exercises assigned accreditation functions Exercises assigned accreditation functions   Decides on accreditation authority (external entity or committee) Decides on accreditation authority (external entity or committee)
Publishes how it will exercise its accreditation functions Publishes how it will exercise its accreditation functions   Assigns accreditation functions to accreditation authority Assigns accreditation functions to accreditation authority
Develops accreditation standards Develops accreditation standards   Approves (or refuses to approve) accredited programs as providing qualifications for registration Approves accreditation standards
Assesses and accredits programs of study Assesses and accredits programs of study   Approves accreditation standards Approves (or refuses to approve) accredited programs as providing qualifications for registration
Monitors approved programs of study Monitors approved programs of study      
Page reviewed 30/04/2024