Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Data access and research
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Data access and research

We collect data about every registered health practitioner in Australia and regularly produce data about our regulatory functions. This gives us a rich source of information on the health practitioner workforce.

Use of data collected through the National Scheme is governed by the National Law, the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) (the Privacy Act), Ahpra’s Privacy Policy, our External research data requests policy and our Regulatory principles.

The National Law and Privacy Act strictly limit the collection and use of data for the purposes of the National Scheme. Data access requests that fall outside of the requirements of the National Law are considered on a discretionary basis.

All requests for discretionary data or information are subject to approval from AHPRA’s CEO or their delegate and are managed through a Data access and research policy and application process.

We would encourage you to read all the information we have provided on the different ways you can access our data. Select an option below and take a look.

The Research and evaluation strategy 

The National Scheme Research and evaluation strategy (the strategy) was developed by Ahpra, the National Boards and committees. The strategy identifies and provides direction for research and evaluation activities in the National Scheme.

Page reviewed 4/03/2024