Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Collection statement for online subscription forms
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Collection statement for online subscription forms

This collection statement sets out the way that the Board and Ahpra may collect, use and disclose your information. It is to be read when completing online subscription forms to receive alerts, newsletters, communiqués and the like by Ahpra and the following National Boards:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board 
  • Chinese Medicine Board 
  • Chiropractic Board 
  • Dental Board 
  • Medical Board 
  • Medical Radiation Practice Board 
  • Nursing and Midwifery Board 
  • Occupational Therapy Board 
  • Optometry Board
  • Osteopathy Board 
  • Paramedicine Board
  • Pharmacy Board 
  • Physiotherapy Board 
  • Podiatry Board 
  • Psychology Board

Privacy and confidentiality

The information collected in the online subscription form:

  • is required by the Board(s) to manage your subscription preferences; 
  • will be used to manage your subscription preferences,
  • may be used for the proper operation of the National Law (e.g. for research relevant to the Law), and
  • may be used for communications purposes and to provide you with relevant updates and general information about Ahpra’s and the Board’s activities.

If you do not provide the required information, you may not be subscribed.

The Board or Ahpra may:

  • use third parties to hold, process and maintain personal information. For example, we use third party data processors to store our data in hosted facilities, and
  • use third party IT support providers who may also access our information systems remotely and this may involve access to personal information. Some of these third parties are located in countries outside Australia. Those countries include Japan, Canada and the United States of America. In all cases, we seek to share the minimum amount of personal data necessary.

Where Ahpra uses third parties, we require the third parties to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and impose, as far as possible, confidentiality and privacy obligations at least as demanding as those that apply to us.

The Board and Ahpra are committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act. Ahpra’s Privacy Policy explains how you may: access and seek correction of your personal information held by Ahpra and the Board; how to complain to Ahpra about a breach of your privacy; and how your complaint will be dealt with. The policy can be accessed on the Privacy page.

Page reviewed 8/04/2020