Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Panel hearing summary 2022.0917
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Panel hearing summary 2022.0917

Decision of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

Performance and professional standards panel 

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Date of Decision: 21 March 2023

Classification of Notification

Boundary violation - Inappropriate sexual contact


The Board referred allegations that the Practitioner failed to maintain professional boundaries by commencing a relationship with a patient's adult child in breach of the Board’s ‘Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia’ (which is to be read in conjunction with the Board’s guidelines, A Nurse’s Guide to Professional Boundaries’), by engaging in a dual personal and treating relationship with the patient.Allegation admitted - The Panel found unsatisfactory conduct and decided to caution the Practitioner and impose conditions on her registration. 

Page reviewed 7/06/2023