Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - What to do if surgery goes wrong
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What to do if surgery goes wrong

In an emergency, always go to the emergency department of your nearest hospital.

Cosmetic Surgery Hotline

Our Cosmetic Surgery Hotline, 1300 361 041, is where patients can tell us about their bad experiences. A specialised team is here to listen Monday to Friday 9am–5pm AEST and concerns can be lodged confidentially so the practitioner will not know the name of the person who complained. You can also submit a concern online.

Don’t let what happened to you happen to someone else. Report your bad cosmetic surgery experience and help protect others.

What if I’ve signed an NDA?

Patients who are dissatisfied with a service provided by a registered health practitioner often raise their concerns and even seek compensation directly from the practitioner. Sometimes when these claims are resolved between the patient and the practitioner, the patient is asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

We think that NDAs do not prevent patients from making a complaint to Ahpra. However, if you have signed an NDA and want to make a complaint, we encourage you to check with your lawyer to make sure they don't have any concerns.

Can I claim compensation?

We can’t arrange claims for compensation or financial settlements. You can speak with your state or territory health complaints entities about this.

Page reviewed 25/08/2023