Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Panel hearing summary 2022.0906
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Panel hearing summary 2022.0906

Decision of the Dental Board of Australia

Performance and professional standards panel 

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Date of Decision: 7 June 2021

Classification of Notification

National Law - Breach of Conditions


The Board referred allegations that the Practitioner hadfailed to comply with conditions imposed in 2017 requiring the him to identify, nominate and then undertake a number of education courses, following a performance assessment identifying a number of performance concerns. The Practitioner is also subject to a number of restrictions on practice but had not returned to practice since the conditions were initially imposed.

The Panel found that the Practitioner had engaged in unprofessional conduct due to his failure to nominate to the Board in writing a course of education; and failure to undertake and successfully complete a program of education in dental record keeping and patient consent, infection control, fixed prosthodontics and endodontics.

The Panel reprimanded the Practitioner, acknowledging the prolonged and sustained non-compliance and noted an intention that the reprimand will ensure the Practitioner appreciates the seriousness of his conduct.

The Panel considered there was no utility in imposing further conditions or cautioning the Practitioner but stressed to the Practitioner the importance of engaging in compliance with his conditions and discussed with him pathways forward towards regaining his registration. The Panel sought to impress upon the Practitioner that further instances of non-compliance may lead to further action, including referral to Tribunal for professional misconduct.

Page reviewed 7/06/2023