Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - List of practitioners who have given an undertaking not to practise
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List of practitioners who have given an undertaking not to practise

The practitioners listed here are not registered and are not able to practise.

This is usually because, after regulatory action, they have given an undertaking to give up their registration and not apply for registration in the future. Also check the register of cancelled health practitioners for a list of practitioners whose registration has been cancelled by a court or tribunal. You can access the decisions of courts and tribunals about registered health practitioners on the AustLII Health Practitioner Legal Library.

There are circumstances where a practitioner will not appear on this list. Please call us for more information on 1300 419 495.

Mr Brian Paul Williams


The Psychology Board of Australia (Board) referred a notification in relation to the professional conduct of Mr Brian Williams, formerly a registered psychologist, to the South Australian Health Practitioners Tribunal for determination. The Tribunal proceedings were resolved by consent on the basis that Mr Williams surrendered his registration as a psychologist and undertook to the Board that he will not apply to be registered as a psychologist at any time in the future.

Dr Anthony Sangster

Medical Practitioner

The Medical Board of Australia referred a notification in relation to the professional conduct of Dr Anthony Sangster to South Australian Health Practitioners Tribunal for determination. The Tribunal proceedings were resolved by consent on the basis that Dr Sangster surrendered his registration as a medical practitioner and undertook to the Board that he will not apply to be registered as a medical practitioner at any time in the future.

Ross Salmon


The Board referred three notifications in relation to the professional conduct of Mr Ross Salmon, a formerly registered nurse (Division 1), to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal for hearing pursuant to section 193 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Victoria) Act 2009.

Prior to the commencement of a hearing, the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia and Mr Salmon reached a formal agreement, without Mr Salmon making any admissions, pursuant to section 93 of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, that the matter be settled subject to certain Orders of the Tribunal, including that Mr Salmon not seek to be re-registered as a nurse or seek or obtain employment which requires or involves him undertaking any direct health care to a person in Victoria or any other Australian jurisdiction at any time in the future.

Dr Cynthia Lea Weinstein

Medical Practitioner

The Board referred notifications in relation to the professional conduct of Dr Cynthia Weinstein for Formal Hearing by Notice of Formal Hearing on 24 January 2008 and by Amended Notice of Formal Hearing on 10 April 2008. A Panel commenced the Formal Hearing on 14 April 2008 and the matter was adjourned, part heard, on 18 April 2008.

Prior to the resumption of the Formal Hearing, under section 39 of the Health Professions Registration Act 2005 (HPR Act) Dr Weinstein surrendered her certificate of registration for personal reasons and requested that the Board cancel her registration as a medical practitioner. The Board subsequently cancelled Dr Weinstein's registration on and from 30 April 2010.

Dr Weinstein has undertaken that, having surrendered her certificate of registration and requested that the Board cancel her registration under section 39 of the HPR Act, Dr Weinstein will not in future apply for registration as a medical practitioner in Victoria or elsewhere in Australia or New Zealand.

Mr Kenneth Heyward


Mr Kenneth Heyward held general registration as a psychologist until his registration lapsed due to non-renewal on 31 December 2008. On 13 February 2008, the Psychologists Registration Board of Victoria (PRBV) received a notification about the professional conduct of Mr Heyward. On 23 November 2010, the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA) referred a notification in regard to Dr Heyward's professional conduct to VCAT.

Prior to the commencement of the VCAT hearing, Mr Heyward admitted that between around April 2005 and around February 2007, he engaged in unprofessional conduct of a serious nature by engaging in an inappropriate personal and social relationship with an individual who had been a client of Mr Heyward’s from April 2005 to December 2005. The inappropriate personal and social relationship involved Mr Heyward meeting with the client on a number of social occasions, including meeting to have meals together, and extensive email and telephone communications between Mr Heyward and the client.

Mr Heyward is 73 years of age and the PBA has entered into an Agreement with Mr Heyward's, pursuant to section 59(2)(c) of the HPR Act on the terms that Mr Heyward will not apply to be registered as a psychologist in Victoria, or in any other jurisdiction, now or any time in the future.

Read the full summary document:

Kenneth Heyward - Notification Outcome (full summary) (41.2 KB,PDF)

Dr Edward Jesudhason

Medical Practitioner

The Board referred a notification in relation to the professional conduct of Dr Edward Jesudhason,to VCAT for determination by a tribunal. Prior to the commencement of the tribunal hearing Dr Jesudhason surrendered his registration as a medical practitioner and undertook to the Board that he will not apply to be registered as a medical practitioner at any time in the future.

Graeme Thomas Herbert


The Board referred a notification in relation to the professional conduct of Mr Graeme Hebert, a formerly registered enrolled nurse (Division 2) to the South Australian Health Practitioners Tribunal for determination. The Tribunal proceedings were resolved by consent on the basis that Mr Herbert surrendered his registration as an enrolled nurse and undertook to the Board that he will not apply to be registered as a nurse, whether as an enrolled nurse, registered nurse, midwife or for an endorsement on his registration at any time in the future.

Page reviewed 5/06/2019