National Restrictions Library 2.0: This restriction applies to restictions imposed or accepted from 16 September 2024. For restrictions imposed or accepted before this date please see the National Restrictions Library 1.0.
These conditions apply to performance and conduct, excluding psychology and pharmacy.
A practitioner with this restriction must not perform or help with the defined procedures unless a registered health practitioner supervises them. For the procedures this applies to, read the restrictions on the practitioner’s registration record. The supervisor must have the training, experience or qualifications needed to provide the required supervision.
Supervision involves overseeing some or all of the practitioner’s practice to ensure that they are practising safely.
The restriction and following information state the level of supervision needed. More serious concerns about a practitioner need closer supervision.
We will specify the level of supervision: direct, indirect 1 (present), indirect 2 (accessible) or remote. If necessary, we might also require the practitioner to meet their supervisor in person at certain times.
We will only approve a supervisor who is suitably skilled and experienced to:
We monitor compliance by checking that:
The following definitions of the level of supervision apply to this restriction.
Direct: Before delivering care, the practitioner must consult the supervisor and follow their directions about patient management. The supervisor must always do both of the following:
Indirect 1 (present): The practitioner must consult the supervisor about patient management. The supervisor must always be physically at the workplace and be available to observe patient management.
Indirect 2 (accessible): The practitioner must consult the supervisor about patient management. The supervisor must be available both:
Remote: The practitioner must consult the supervisor about patient management. The supervisor must be available by telephone or other means of telecommunication.
#the procedure(s)# #is/are# defined as: #definition#.
‘senior person’ is defined as another person senior by position or experience. Where possible a senior person should be another registered health practitioner.
'practice/practising' and the level of supervision are defined in the Supervised practice framework.
You will receive a monitoring plan that details contact information, due dates, and the information you will need to provide to show that you are complying with your restrictions.
Please contact your case officer for more information.
For general information see our Frequently asked questions about Monitoring and compliance page
If you have not yet received contact details for your case officer, please email your enquiry.
We are here to support and guide you through your compliance.
The contact details for your case officer are included on all our correspondence with you.
We also encourage you to use independent support services, including those provided on our Practitioner support services page.
You can also contact your legal representative or professional union to support you.
Generally, we will provide a further opportunity to nominate a different supervisor, or to address any shortfalls in the nomination.
If the commencement date for the requirement for supervision has passed and you have no approved supervisors, and/or the approval date of supervisors has not been published on the public register you must cease practice and must not recommence practice until such times as the approval of a supervisor has been published on the public register.
You will be required to nominate a new supervisor. If you have an alternate supervisor approved, you will be able to continue to practise while your new nomination is assessed. If you have no available alternate supervisors, you must cease practice and must not recommence practice until such times as the approval of a new supervisor has been published on the public register.
You will be required to nominate a new supervisor. If you have another supervisor approved, you will be able to continue to practise while your new nomination is assessed.
If you have no available alternate supervisors and, the date of commencement for the restrictions has passed, you must cease practice and must not recommence practice until the approval of a new supervisor has been published on the public register.
If you have no available alternate supervisors, but the date of commencement for the restrictions has not passed, you may continue practising until the date of commencement for the restrictions.
After this time, you must cease practice, and must not recommence practice until such times as the approval of a new supervisor has been published on the public register.
The senior person may be the practice principal, practice manager or other person senior by position. Where possible your senior person should be another registered health practitioner.
Senior persons will provide information such as rosters, pay slips, appointment diaries, billing information and the like and may, on request from us provide copies of clinical records, audit logs, appointment and billing data and the equivalent to provide independent evidence of your compliance.
If there is no one more senior than you at your practice location, you should let us know. It may be that either another registered health practitioner, practice manager or other third party may be able to provide the required information.
If the commencement date in the restrictions has passed and you do not have an approved supervisor published on the public register you must cease practising and not practise.
If the commencement date provided in the restriction has not passed you may practise whilst your nomination is considered. If the commencement date has passed you must cease practice, and must not recommence practice until such times as the approval of a supervisor has been published on the public register.
You must not recommence practice until such times as the approval of a supervisor has been published on the public register.
You must notify your case officer or team as soon as possible of any incident where, due to a medical emergency, you are unable to comply with the condition requiring supervised practice. We will assess whether the circumstances were such that compliance with the condition would directly affect your ability to provide care that would have a direct benefit to a patient in a medical emergency.
A medical emergency is defined as an event where it is not possible or reasonable to have a patient with a serious or life-threatening condition seen by another practitioner or transferred to the nearest hospital.
We will treat any failure to notify of non-compliance in the circumstances of a medical emergency as a breach of the condition and may take further action in relation to a breach of conditions.
We will consider any breaches of the supervised practice restriction and may decide to take further regulatory action in circumstances where:
Contact us using the details provided in your monitoring plan. You may be able to apply for a change in your restrictions, or an extension of the date of commencement of the requirement for supervision. Circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis.