Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Criminal history checks
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Criminal history checks

About criminal history checks

We conduct an Australian criminal history check as part of the process for appointment to a board or committee of the National Scheme. This assists in assessing your suitability for appointment to a position of trust in the National Scheme.

We obtain a criminal history report on your behalf. Criminal history checks are obtained through the National Police Checking Service (NPCS) of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC).

Where required, we will provide you with a copy of your criminal history report if a result is received.

Criminal history checks and identity

Ahpra must confirm an applicant’s identity in order to meet the requirements of the ACIC Agreement, therefore all applicants for statutory appointments must provide:

Disputing an Australian criminal history check result

If you wish to dispute your Australian criminal history result, please contact us. You cannot dispute your result directly with ACIC.

The infographic below is a general guide of how a dispute process works.

Flow chart of criminal history check dispute process

Potential outcomes of the dispute

Successful dispute: If the dispute is found by the relevant police agency to be successful, ACIC will work to have the result amended.

Unsuccessful dispute: If the dispute is deemed unsuccessful then the result will remain as is. Due to privacy concerns, ACIC may not be able to provide Ahpra with specific details about why the dispute is unsuccessful.

During the dispute process we may need further information from you to support your dispute claim. The information required may include one or all of the following:

  • finger print request , and
  • previous residential history
  • photo Identification, and
  • statutory declaration

Once the dispute process is completed we will be in contact with you to either request further information or to advise you of the outcome of your dispute.

Page reviewed 5/04/2022