Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Search
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  • Panel hearing summary 2020.0900

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Date published 1 January 2008
  • Panel hearing summary 2020.0899

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    The Panel found that the Practitioner had behaved in a way that constituted unprofessional conduct. ... In determining sanction, the Panel noted that the reprimand will…
    Date published 1 January 2008
  • Panel hearing summary 2020.0891

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Specifically, he did not conduct an adequate assessment of the patient, did not take into account the patient’s history provided by nursing staff, did not conduct adequate…
    Date published 1 January 2008
  • Panel hearing summary 2020.0890

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Date published 1 January 2008
  • Panel hearing summary 2020.0878

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    The Panel found that the Practitioner had behaved in a way that constituted unprofessional conduct.
    Date published 1 January 2008
  • Panel hearing summary 2013.0179

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Date published 22 April 2014
  • Panel hearing summary 2012.0176

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Date published 22 April 2014
  • Panel hearing summary 2013.0137

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    identify the mistake during the final check. The pharmacist admitted to the error and accepted that the conduct giving rise to the error constituted unsatisfactory…
    Date published 17 April 2014
  • Panel hearing summary 2012.0156

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    National Law Breach – Breach of condition / undertaking. It was alleged that the practitioner behaved in a way that constituted unprofessional conduct under section…
    Date published 22 April 2014
  • Panel hearing summary 2012.0151

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
    Based on the nurse’s admission and information received from their employer, the panel found that the nurse had behaved in a way that constituted unprofessional conduct. ...…
    Date published 22 April 2014
Displaying results 91 to 100 of 1,058
Page reviewed 30/04/2024