10 Jun 2022
The 60 Minutes program again highlighted a wide range of patient safety issues in the cosmetic surgery industry that first came to light late last year. This has clearly had a devastating impact on the women who have had the courage to speak to the media.
That is why, Ahpra and the Medical Board of Australia commissioned an independent review in November 2021 to look at how the regulation of registered health practitioners needs to be strengthened to ensure that patient safety is not running a poor second to profit in this rapidly growing industry.
The review has wasted no time in hearing from the community and the medical profession about what can and should be done to improve patient safety. This includes topics such as social media, education and training for doctors, strengthened guidelines, and information for patients. The consultation, which was open earlier this year, received over 230 written submissions and generated more than 550 survey responses. The independent reviewer is currently considering these submissions and will hand down his findings in the second half of this year.
Alongside this, our work to keep the public safe continues.
As detailed on the public register of practitioners, on 11 April 2022 the Medical Board of Australia placed strict conditions on the registration of Mohammad Reza Ahmad that stops him from performing cosmetic procedures.
We encourage anyone who has a concern about a registered health practitioner to contact us on 1300 419 495. We’d also like to remind all registered health practitioners of their mandatory obligation to notify us as well.
If you are in Queensland, you should contact the Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO) in the first instance. In NSW, you should contact the Medical Council of NSW or the Health Care Complaints Commission.
The independent review of the regulation of health practitioners in cosmetic surgery.