Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Queensland doctor appeals conditions on registration
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Queensland doctor appeals conditions on registration

30 May 2022

A tribunal has removed conditions from a practitioner’s registration following an appeal.

In September 2017, under section 178 of the National Law, the Medical Board of Australia (the Board) placed conditions on the registration of Dr Mark Jeffrey requiring that he be supervised when performing a specific face-lift procedure as well as complete education and undertake audits of his practice.  

Having completed the education and not performed the specific surgery since 2017, Dr Jeffrey applied to the Board to have the conditions removed from his registration. The Board refused Dr Jeffrey’s application as the supervision requirements had not been completed. In late 2019, Dr Jeffrey applied to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal seeking review of the Board’s decision.

In late 2021, the tribunal heard the matter with Dr Jeffrey arguing he no longer needed the condition as he did not hold the relevant qualifications or hold privileges with any facility to perform the procedure. He had also not performed the procedure in four years and did not intend to perform it in the future. This was confirmed in a sworn affidavit and signed statutory declaration. The tribunal agreed to remove the conditions. 

The tribunal’s decision was published on the Austlii website on 3 November 2021. 

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Page reviewed 30/05/2022