Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Supervised practice framework in effect
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Supervised practice framework in effect

01 Feb 2022

The Supervised practice framework (the framework), developed by 13 National Boards and Ahpra,1 is in effect from today.

The framework outlines the National Boards’ expectations and supports supervisees, supervisors and employers to understand what is necessary to effectively carry out supervised practice. The framework also includes the principles that underpin supervised practice and the levels of supervised practice.

Ahpra CEO, Martin Fletcher noted the important role supervised practice holds in the National Scheme: ‘Supervised practice is a vital part of the work National Boards and Ahpra do to keep the public safe as it reassures the community that a registered health practitioner whose practice is being supervised is safe and competent.

‘This framework has been developed to support a responsive and risk-based approach to supervised practice and promotes consistency in processes and decision-making across professions.’

The framework replaces existing supervision guidelines, except for the supervision guidelines in place for international medical graduates. The guidelines also do not apply to medical interns or vocational trainees as they are participating in formal training programs.

An advance copy of the framework was published in November last year, allowing supervisees, supervisors, employers and others time to familiarise themselves with the framework.

Which National Boards does the framework apply to?

The National Boards implementing the framework from today, 1 February 2022, are:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Chiropractic
  • Dental
  • Medical (not for international medical graduates, practitioners completing their intern year, or vocational trainees)
  • Nursing and Midwifery
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Optometry
  • Osteopathy
  • Paramedicine (not for practitioners with a Board-specific condition employed by and undertaking supervised practice with a body authorised by the National Board)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry (not for practitioners seeking their endorsement for scheduled medicines).

The framework will not apply to the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia until their review of the Supervised practice registration standard is completed. Please see their website for more information.

To support supervisees, supervisors and employers understand and apply the framework, the National Boards and Ahpra have developed a set of frequently asked questions and two key steps diagrams. The diagrams outline the key steps of supervised practice for registration requirements or suitability and eligibility requirements and for supervised practice following a complaint (notification).

The National Boards have also developed a Fact sheet: Supervised practice – transition arrangements to support the transition arrangements in place for supervises and supervisors who are already carrying out supervised practice or who sent documents to Ahpra or the Board before 1 February 2022.

The framework and additional information can be found on the Supervised practice page.

For more information


1The Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia (MRPBA) are reviewing the Supervised practice registration standard so the framework will not apply until the review is completed. Please see MRPBA website for more details.

Page reviewed 1/02/2022