Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Call for applications
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Call for applications

02 Oct 2017

Call for applications for appointment to the Committee to oversee assessment of overseas qualified nurses and midwives.

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) is calling for applications for appointment to the NMBA Accreditation Committee (assessment of overseas qualified nurses and midwives) (the committee).

The NMBA has decided to establish the committee to oversee the assessment of overseas qualified nurses and midwives. The NMBA is congnisant of the current Accreditation Systems Review. The establishment of the committee has been planned as a part of a broader project on the establishment of an outcomes based assessment for overseas qualified nurses and midwives.

The role of the committee is to provide oversight on the outcomes-based assessment (OBA) of the knowledge, clinical skills and professional attributes of internationally qualified nurses and midwives (IQNM) who are seeking registration in Australia. The committee will also make recommendations to the NMBA about the OBA for IQNM and associated matters.

The NMBA is seeking applications from people who have:

  • experience and currency in multiple choice question examination and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) design and evaluation
  • experience and currency in psychometric testing
  • experience in health, education and/or regulation
  • formal qualifications in health and/or education, and/or
  • experience in OSCE examiner recruitment education and training.

The NMBA is ideally seeking applicants with a background in nursing and/or midwifery. The NMBA is also interested in applications from appropriately qualified and experienced people from other professions or disciplines.

Meetings will be scheduled monthly or as required and be either face-to-face or via teleconference.

Applications will be assessed by a selection advisory panel. Appointments may be for up to three years, with eligibility for reappointment, and are expected to commence in February 2018.

More information about the roles, eligibility requirements and the application process can be found in the information guide and application form below. 

Candidate information pack

For enquiries, email

Applications close Friday 27 October 2017.


Page reviewed 2/10/2017