Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Online renewal is now open for 12 health professions
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Online renewal is now open for 12 health professions

28 Sep 2015

More than 155,000 health practitioners are due to renew registration by 30 November.

Twelve National Boards have launched their registration renewal campaigns for health practitioners whose registration to practise expires on 30 November 2015.

Practitioners with general, non-practising or specialist registration should look for the AHPRA email reminders to renew as confirmation that online renewal is open.

Practitioners are also urged to check that their contact details with AHPRA, including their email address, are up to date to make sure they receive registration renewal reminders and other important information about regulation of their profession.

A news item about renewal of registration is published on each of the following National Board websites:

The annual registration renewal date for medical practitioners is 30 September. Nurses, midwives and nurse practitioners are due to renew their registration each year by 31 May.

Page reviewed 28/09/2015