Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Consultation paper on National Scheme review published
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Consultation paper on National Scheme review published

11 Sep 2014

An independent three-year review of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme) is now underway.

A consultation paper, available on the AHMAC website, is considering the National Scheme as a whole, including the work of the National Boards, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), accrediting entities and the role of government.

The National Scheme is a significant national reform. The Boards and AHPRA are committed to working together to build on the gains already made since implementation of the National Scheme so the community can have confidence in the regulation of Australia’s health workforce.

Our work to implement the scheme has included:

  • Development and implementation of a comprehensive set of regulatory policies and professional standards to keep the public safe 
  • a secure, online national register of health practitioners that includes those with suspended or cancelled registration 
  • stronger partnerships with key stakeholders, including public and professional associations 
  • quarterly publication of national health workforce data; and 
  • changes to the way concerns about health practitioners are managed to improve the notifier’s experience.

The Boards and AHPRA will actively participate in the consultation and review process, while continuing our work to improve and strengthen the performance of the National Scheme.

In his opening reflections to the consultation paper, independent reviewer Kim Snowball identifies three main areas in which he is particularly seeking feedback about the National Scheme:

  • Accountability – looking at options for how the National Scheme can improve its accountability, both at a national level and to each state and territory health minister.

  • Future of regulation – looking at options for balancing questions of risk, the level of regulation and costs across the needs of a range of health professions, including any new professions entering the National Scheme.

  • Complaints and notifications – looking at options for improving the management of notifications and complaints. This includes the option of continuing to improve the current arrangements under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the National Law).

  • The paper also identifies a number of related issues for comment including workforce reform, advertising provisions, assessment of overseas trained practitioners and legislative amendments.

The consultation period is open until 10 October.

Page reviewed 11/09/2014