Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Call for applications - Appointment to the Chinese Medicine Accreditation Committee
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Call for applications - Appointment to the Chinese Medicine Accreditation Committee

Applications are now open from interested persons for appointment to the Chinese Medicine Accreditation Committee (the Committee).

The role of the Committee is to:

  • develop accreditation standards for approval by the National Board
  • assess and monitor education providers and their programs of study, and
  • make recommendations and give advice to the National Board.

Who should apply?

Applications are sought from registered Chinese Medicine practitioners, ducators and individuals with relevant skills, expertise and experience in the delivery of higher education, clinical teaching of students, and/or accreditation within the National Scheme or the health sector.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

The National Registration and Accreditation Scheme has an important role in ensuring the development of a culturally safe and respectful health workforce that is responsive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples health and contributes to the elimination of racism in the provision of health services.

To achieve this, Ahpra and National Boards warmly invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to apply.

To view the vacancy and submit an application, please visit the board and committee vacancies page.

For general enquiries please email

Applications close on Sunday 16 February 2025 at 5:00pm, Australian Eastern Daylight Time.

Page reviewed 1/01/0001