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Panel hearing summary 2022.0914

Decision of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

Performance and professional standards panel 

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Date of Decision: 16 September 2022

Classification of Notification

Boundary violation - Inappropriate sexual relationship


The Board referred allegations that the Practitioner had failed to maintain professional boundaries with a patient by engaging in a dual personal and treating relationship with the patient.

At the hearing the Practitioner demonstrated significant reflection and insight. The Practitioner is undertaking a Masters of Mental Health Nursing, has voluntarily engaged in clinical supervision at previous employers over the years and recently been appointed to a Clinical Nurse Consultant position.

The Panel was confident that the Practitioner had demonstrated a level of professionalism that would make a repeat of the behaviour extremely unlikely. It found the Practitioner had engaged in unprofessional conduct and determined to caution the Practitioner, warning to refrain from engaging in similar conduct again.

Page reviewed 7/06/2023